259 research outputs found

    The Role of Ethological Observation for Measuring Animal Reactions to Biotelemetry Devices

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    This paper presents a methodological approach used to assess the wearability of biotelemetry devices in animals. A detailed protocol to gather quantitative and qualitative ethological observations was adapted and tested in an experimental study of 13 cat participants wearing two different GPS devices. The aim was twofold: firstly, to ascertain the potential interference generated by the devices on the animal body and behavior by quantifying and characterizing it; secondly, to individuate device features potentially responsible for the influence registered, and establish design requirements. This research contributes towards the development of a framework for evaluating the design of wearer-centered biotelemetry interventions for animals, consistent with values advocated by Animal- Computer Interaction researchers

    Visualising Discourse Coherence in Non-Linear Documents

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    To produce coherent linear documents, Natural Language Generation systems have traditionally exploited the structuring role of textual discourse markers such as relational and referential phrases. These coherence markers of the traditional notion of text, however, do not work in non-linear documents: a new set of graphical devices is needed together with formation rules to govern their usage, supported by sound theoretical frameworks. If in linear documents graphical devices such as layout and formatting complement textual devices in the expression of discourse coherence, in non-linear documents they play a more important role. In this paper, we present our theoretical and empirical work in progress, which explores new possibilities for expressing coherence in the generation of hypertext documents

    Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI): changing perspective on HCI, participation and sustainability

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    In the spirit of this year’s conference theme ‘changing perspectives’, this paper invites the CHI community to glance at interaction design through the lense of Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI). In particular, I argue that such a perspective could have at least three benefits: strengthening HCI as a discipline; broadening participation in Interaction Design; and supporting CHI’s commitment to sustainability. I make the case that, far from being a niche research area, ACI is directly relevant to and even encompasses HCI. Thus ACI research firmly belongs at CHI

    Giorno della Memoria 2016. Memoria della Shoah e responsabilit\ue0 presente-Progetto di Terza Missione

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    In linea con le finalit\ue0 intese dalla Presidenza del Consiglio Regionale delle Marche nel farsi promotrice e coordinatrice delle iniziative organizzate sul territorio regionale per la celebrazione del Giorno della Memoria 2016, e in accordo con il tema \u201cLa memoria contro ogni discriminazione\u201d proposto dalla Presidenza stessa agli Enti collaboratori (la Comunit\ue0 ebraica di Ancona, l\u2019Ufficio scolastico regionale, l\u2019Istituto di Storia Marche, la Rete Universitaria per il Giorno della Memoria, l\u2019Anci Marche), l\u2019evento "Memoria della Shoah e responsabilit\ue0 presente" organizzato dall\u2019Universit\ue0 di Macerata per il giorno 29 gennaio 2016 \u2012 articolato in Convegno, Mostra e Spettacolo \u2012 \ue8 mirato a dare un degno risalto al valore della Memoria e dell\u2019educazione dei cittadini, soprattutto dei giovani, al rifiuto di ogni forma di sopruso e di discriminazione nei confronti di ogni popolo, cultura, etnia e religione, nella ferma convinzione che \ue8 primariamente attraverso la trasmissione del sapere, della conoscenza e di valori positivi, da un lato, e lo sviluppo di una cultura del pluralismo e di un sentimento sempre pi\uf9 diffuso di cura, attenzione e tutela dei diritti umani e civili, dall\u2019altro, che viene resa possibile la costruzione di una civilt\ue0 fondata sulla pacifica convivenza fra popoli e, al contempo, lo scardinamento di mentalit\ue0 razziste, antisemite e negazioniste
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